Hi Anne
Thanks for your valuable reply.
Let me explain  in detail...
<xsd:element name="radius" >


               <xsd:restriction base="xsd:float">

                  <xsd:minInclusive value="0.05"/>

                 <xsd:maxInclusive value="1.0"/>




if radius element value is not between 0.05 to 1.0 i believe Axis should throw an error. let me know if my understanding is wrong..
On 2/24/06, Anne Thomas Manes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Axis never automatically performs schema validation, although it will throw an error if it encounters an element or type that it doesn't expect when parsing the message. This is true whether you are using doc/lit, rpc/lit, or rpc/encoded.

If you would like to add a validation process, then your best bet is to use doc/lit because you have the schema of the full payload. When using rpc/lit, you don't have the schema for the full payload, so instead you must validate each accessor element (the parameters) based on its type definition. It's very difficult to validate rpc/encoded because even the types might be changed during the encoding and yet it's still valid based on the SOAP Encoding datamodel.

In any case, quite a few SOAP implementations don't support rpc/literal, so I suggest you not use it. Use wrapped doc/literal instead. Wrapped doc/literal provides the same programming experience as rpc/literal, it supports easier validation, and it gives you much better interoperability.

I'm not sure why you're thinking that JAXB will help you here. (Are you perhaps under the common misconception that Axis won't map doc/literal to Java objects for you? It does.)

I think it's much easier to use the built-in Axis serialization system than to use JAXB. (Axis 2 supports a much more pluggable serialization framework, but not so with Axis 1.) If you want to use an external serialization framework, then I suggest xmlbeans rather than JAXB. Google "Axis" and "xmlbeans", and I'm sure you'll find plenty of resources to help you.


On 2/24/06, Rakesh Sanghvi <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Just want to confirm if i implemented my WSDL SOAP binding as rpc/litteral then I believe Schema validation will not happened automatically.
if it is true then will it JAXB will be fine for validating SOAP request against schema.  Let me know if any good suggestion.

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