Hello Antoine,

If you mean you want to do some initialization processing in your web services instances when Tomcat starts: 1. Use the load-on-startup definition in your web.xml to make Tomcat instantiate Axis' servlet at startup time 2. Let your impl class implement javax.xml.rpc.server.ServiceLifecycle and put your initialization processing in the init method.


Antoine Galataud wrote:
Hi !

I'm currenlty trying to find a way to move a corba software
implementation (which is run in a stand-alone way) to a web services
using Axis 1.3. I'm searching a way to start web services on
application server startup (eg tomcat). In fact, back-end objects
instanciated at web service instanciation time are heavy, and must be
loaded before calling the web service for the first time.
Is there a way to do that (maybe with deploy.wsdd) ?

Thanks in advance for responses

Antoine Galataud
Département Architecture des Systèmes d'Information
INSA - Rouen

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