Hi Sadik ,

Actually the 'schema' directory mentioned in the userguide is the 'resources' directory that was created by the WSDL2Java tool.

After generating the files you can easily create the service archieve file by running the ant task. 

1. Set the AXIS2_HOME environmental variable to the directory you extracted the Axis2  distribution.

2. Go to a command prompt. Move to your output folder (to which you generated the files) and run the commant 'ant'.
This will create the  'Axis2SampleDocLitService.aar' file in the 'build\lib' subdirectory.

3. Drop this to your 'webapps\axis2\WEB-INF\services' folder and start tomcat.


On 2/26/06, Ali Sadik Kumlali <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear all,

I'm a new axis2 user and want to learn it by following the instructions in it's user guide.

First of all, i tried to generate a web service from a given WSDL as introduced in "Writing Web Services by Code Generating Skeleton". Therefore, i generated Java files from Axis2SampleDocLit.wsdl found in samples\wsdl directory. I also passed "-d xmlbeans" parameter to WSDL2Java.bat to make it use XMLBeans databinding. When i looked at the generated files, i found two directory created: src and resources. Under resources folder there was an interesting directory called "schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans" which i could not found any reference in user guide. I thought it must be "schema" directory mentioned in the guide. Anyway, i filled the empty methods in Axis2SampleDocLitPortTypeSkeleton.java file with the codes given in the user guide. Created services.xml file and filled with the code given in the guide. And created a package called Axis2SampleDocLitPortType.aar by following the instuctions. After all, i put the  file under the \webapps\axis2\WEB-INF\services directory. Then after started Tomcat 5.5, clicked the "services" link listed in http://localhost:8080/axis2/index.jsp. Since i did not see the Axis2SampleDocLitPortType service listed in the page, looked at the log files of Tomcat resides under logs directory. Then i saw a line says "NullPointerException" without any further information. I also tried to change the name of schemaorg_apache_xmlbeans directory to schema. It did not work either.

Am i missing something?

Thans in advance,

Ali Sadik Kumlali

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