
We can support both server side and client side asynchronous , we have
fully tested the client side but not the server side , and we can
support serve side async by adding custom message receiver.

>The asynchronous capability in axis2? Isn't it client side? 
>I thought about writing the service. I'll handle the problem with a void 
>operation and later "client side axis" to callback.
>axis-user@ws.apache.org schrieb am 08.03.06 05:20:42:
>>Well , In Axis2 you have asynchronous  capability , so I think you can
>>use Axis2  .
>>Prashanth.S wrote:
>>>Cant you use SOAP over JMS rather than SOAP over HTTP??
>>>I think it provides async invocations using queues.
>>>*/SOA Work <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
>>>    Hi there,
>>>    almost every BPEL guide is talking about invoking services in a
>>>    asynchronous way and reveiving the result via callback later. Now
>>>    I was thinking about how such a service in axis or axis2 would
>>>    look like.
>>>    I guess the service has to now the callback port and maybe the
>>>    endpoint. At the end of the operation the service has to use the
>>>    client side axis and callback the process.
>>>    Does somebody do any similar? Any examples? Is there a way how to
>>>    determine from which sender the invocation was received?
>>>    Best regards
>>>    Dominik
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