Hi Dink,

Just to make it clear, do you mean;

Client ----------------> Server

         ack response
Client <--------------- Server

... (time passes)

         actual result
Client <--------------- Server

If this the your case, it has some asynchronous process logic. So, that might be your starting point.


Ali Sadik Kumlali

Dink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I need to develop a client and a web service to accomplish some message exchange.
The message exchange pattern is as follows:
1. The client sends an XML document to the web service to do some request.
2. The web service returns an XML document to notify the client that the request sent by the client is received and being processed.
3. The web service has finished the request and return the result to the client.
I have used the "provider=java:MSG" style to develop the web service to handle the incoming message.
But when I think of how to reach the step 3, I can't find any method signature provided by axis to do it.
The method signatures provided by axis are:
public Element [] method(Element [] bodies);
public SOAPBodyElement [] method (SOAPBodyElement [] bodies);

public Document method(Document body);
public void method(SOAPEnvelope req, SOAPEnvelope resp);
Every method looks like a simultaneous method except the fourth one. The simultaneous method I mean is that the client sends a request to the web service and receives a response from the service.
I think the methods provided by java:MSG can't fulfill my full requirements. 
Can somebody point me some directions to solve the problem?
Dink Lo

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