Title: [Axis2] schema validation

Hi everybody,

I am trying to enable schema validation for my Web service using Axis2 0.94
under linux with the included xerces 2.7.1 parser. I've a couple of questions
i hope you can help me with:

1. Is it possible to enable schema validation for a particular service using the
default parsing steps taken by the engine? I noticed the XmlSchema-SNAPSHOT.jar in
the lib directory, but didn't find any further documentation on this topic.

2. Since i couldn't figure out an answer two question 1, i implemented a "validation
module", according to the module example and user documentation, that validates
incoming messages. But how can i stop message processing if validation fails? The
module throws an AxisFault on invalid messages, but the messages are still relayed to
the other handlers and finally the service implementation.

I searched the web, documentation, mailing list archive and the API reference but
couldn't find an answer. Maybe you could point me to an example or further
documentation i missed.

Best regards and thanks in advance,

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