Please file a bug report.

On 3/22/06, Senin, Maxim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tried to use WSDL2Java ant task to generate Java client for MSN AdCenter = API. The Axis 1.2.1 would produce correct Java code, but 1.3 and 1.4 produce uncompilable code for native characters. For example, the WSDL contains

<s:enumeration value=" CôtedIvoire" />

and 1.2.1 produces compilable field name, but later versions are not = compiling because they insert another symbol for ô:

    public static final java.lang.String _C├┤tedIvoire = "C├┤tedIvoire";

The 1.2.1 was using the correct unicode code.

Does anyone have a solution?


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