On 3/29/06, Dies Koper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You wanted the method in the generated interface (and impl) to return
> com.maintenance.Employee instead of com.maintenance.ws.Employee?
> -> Don't map it to a different package.
> You map it to the same package and specify no separate output directory
> for the generated files. The original files get overwritten.
> -> Specify a different output directory if you don't want the original
> files to be overwritten.

Thank you Dies!! That was what I was wanting to know - and everything
is working great now. I was following this example where they have the
java files built to another package
http://www.onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2002/06/05/axis.html?page=2 but in
that case they were just returning type int so they weren't having to
work with a non native object.

>  > "org.apache.axis.description.typedesc not public or does not allow
>  > instantiation."
> Is that a warning or compile error? What does the code look like?
> Axis generates some extra code in the generated Javabeans to help with
> (de)serialization. They are probably accessed by classes in the
> org.apache.axis.description package, and therefore do not need to be public?

Well, I'm not really sure what it is. Typically IDEA puts things in
red that are errors and the getEmployees method of
EmployeeMaintenanceSoapBindingImpl (generated by java2WSDL) definitely
is RED, (as seen in this image from an earlier post
http://www.pastehere.com/?kndvie)  yet the whole project compiles fine
and the webservice is working great.

I'm not going to worry about I guess since things compile fine. Once
again, THANKS so much. You really helped clear up a lot of confusion.

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