Thanks for taking the time to answer me so thoroughly. I really, really appreciate it.

Dies Koper wrote:

I am not sure about meaning of "The exception is no longer a SOAP Fault" in your quote of the User's Guide, as a fault described in the WSDL is still a SOAP fault when it is included in the SOAP body.

I do not think I contradicted anything in the quote. It refers to the JAX-RPC 1.1 spec. I also got my information from there, so you should just be seeing different ways of saying the same.

Well, from the quote, it looks like they're saying that all you need to do to pass exceptions is a) inherit from Exception, and b) be a javabean whose fields are wsdl-able datatypes. It never mentions that you have to inherit from AxisFault.

As you have probably noticed, in this mailing list the recommended approach with Axis seems to be to start with the WSDL (maybe the first draft generated by Java2WSDL). You tweak the WSDL into the service you want, and develop the client and server implementations from there. Axis also allows you to take a different approach, but I would not be surprised if there are more bugs on that path.

I still do not understand whether you delete the generated exceptions and use your own.

I don't generate exceptions at all. I never do Java2WSDL or WSDL2Java. The service class, data and exceptions are all standard Java classes.

Do you want to discuss the validity of Axis's implementation or get your problem solved? I'm fine with either, just want to know how to answer.

I apologize for my frustration level. I have no problems with Axis's implementation - what I've been able to see of it is really, really great. My only problem is the lack of documentation, especially in an area as fundamental as exception handling.

Please look at the generated interface, javabeans and exception classes as not being part of your client, but part of Axis's WSDL->Java mapping. Your client class does not need to have any dependencies on axis classes. Just catch the InvalidDateException and don't care whether it extends AxisFault internally. It is just a generated class that would be regenerated anyway if you would use a different SOAP engine.

I think that's the disconnect we're having here. I'm not generating anything, nor am I interested in generating anything. From what I've been able to see, Axis provides me with the ability to drop a standard Java class into its container, without having to do any code generation, and it will automatically create the service. I've already taken advantage of that, and it works great. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to handle exceptions the same way, which is why I was so confused. What you seem to be saying is that I have to generate the code from the WSDL (or, alternatively, generate the WSDL from the java class and then generate the client and exceptions from the WSDL) in order to have exception handling. Unfortunately, that's not something I can do, because of the architectural and technical constraints of the project.

I can write something which intercepts the exceptions before they get to Axis on the server side, and wrap them in an AxisFault, but it will be an enormous pain. I was hoping that Axis would do that. They're obviously already catching exceptions on the server side, and I was hoping that they would just serialize it just as they would any other class going across the wire, which is what I thought that section in the user's guide was saying. Unfortunately, it sounds like this isn't the case.

3) There is no number 3. ;-)

Maybe later? :)

You never know. :)

It doesn't make much sense to me that axis would have this wonderful mechanism whereby we can install a fairly arbitrary Java class and turn it magically into a web service...unless you throw exceptions, in which case all bets are off. Of course, I've been wrong before.

I am wondering whether you just ran into a bug or expect something from Axis that it was not designed to do.

Don't know. I guess we may never know - unless I stumble on the solution randomly. Weirder stuff has happened before.

Thanks again for taking the time to answer my questions.


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