It's not the WSDL that's wrong, it's the schema. You must add an <xsd:import> after line 03. In order to reference an element or type from another namespace, you must both declare the namespace and import it. (I'm assuming that you purposefully left out a bunch of namespace declarations in the <wsdl:definitions> element to save space.)

01. <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="a.b.c" xmlns:tns2="x.y.z">
02. <wsdl:types>
03. <schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="a.b.c">
03.5 <import namespace="x.y.z"/>
04. <element name="fault" type="tns2:MyFault"/>
05. </schema>
06. <schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace=" x.y.z">
07. <complexType name="MyFault">
08.   ... definition here ...
09. </complexType>
10. </schema>
11. </wsdl:types>

On 3/30/06, Jarmo Doc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Can you recommend an easily-downloadable validator?  The WSDL's not publicly
available so web-sites that offer to validate based upon a URL won't work
for me.

I've run the WSDL through various XML validators and they all report fine.
I don't have a WSDL validator though and haven't been able to locate
anything good.  There is one at the pocketsoap site but it seems to require
you to download half a dozen other things and then tweak a bunch of scripts
which is not exactly what I'd call convenient.

PS the WSDL is very large, and proprietary, so I doubt I'll be able to
upload the whole thing.

>From: Dies Koper < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Axis java2wsdl fails WebSphere validator
>Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 10:58:35 +0900
>Have you tried running it through a validating parser?
>Please try and post the result.
>#I could try if you post the whole WSDL before I go home tonight.
>Jarmo Doc wrote:
> > My WSDL document, generated directly from Java via Axis 1.3 java2wsdl,
> > is structured something like this:
> >
> > 01. <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace=" a.b.c" xmlns:tns2="x.y.z">
> > 02. <wsdl:types>
> > 03. <schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="a.b.c">
> > 04. <element name="fault" type="tns2:MyFault"/>
> > 05. </schema>
> > 06. <schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="x.y.z">
> > 07. <complexType name="MyFault">
> > 08.   ... definition here ...
> > 09. </complexType>
> > 10. </schema>
> > 11. </wsdl:types>
> >
> > This WSDL appears to be quite acceptable to Axis' wsdl2java and to the
> > gSOAP equivalent.  However, WebSphere's wsdl2java does not like it.
> > Specifically it complains that tns2:MyFault on line 04 cannot be
> >
> > So, a few questions:
> >
> > 1. is the type definition for MyFault on line 07 correct?  I had assumed
> > that it was implicitly in namespace x.y.z because that is the
> > targetNamespace of the enclosing schema (line 06) and hence does not
> > need to be explicitly decorated with tns2.
> >
> > 2. Generally, is it valid to reference MyFault in schema #2 from schema
> > #1 in this way?
> >
> > 3. Any idea if this is a bug in WebSphere wsdl2java or in Axis
> >
> > Thanks.

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