I may have simplified the example a bit to much.

On the SOAP communication between B and C in the before mentioned example, I want to attach SAML headers to the soap message. I'm using wss4j to achieve this. The problem is however, to configure the deployment descriptor for the B web service, so that the call will go through Axis, and thereby through wss4j.

I guess this is done by defining a request flow, and a response flow. As it is right now I can make the service check for SAML in the incoming message, and throw and exception if none is there. What I lack is a way to tell the outgoing soap call to go through the response flow defined in the deployment descriptor for the service.

As far as I understand the outgoing call doesn't go through the response flow if you use the auto-generated stubs?

And how do I distinguish between the cases where the service should act as a server and where it should act as a client? The message flow for these two cases are different as far as I understand?

Do you have any experience in this?

regards Kim
Roslan Amir wrote:

Not a problem at all. I have done this before. The method in the implementation
class of B just uses the client API to invoke the Web Services on C and A. They
can even be the same Web Service. It's the URL's that are different. Make sure
you call using the correct URL.

Roslan Amir

Quoting Kim Alster Larsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I'm using Axis 1.3, and I have a question on how to configure my server.

The setup I want to use Axis to implement is the following two scenarios:
(B is the process that uses Axis)
 A sends a message to B,
B forwards the call via Axis using SOAP to C.

C sends a message to B,
B forwards the message to A.
In scenario 1) I guess the Axis component in B should be configured as a
Client, but in scenario 2) the setup requires a server setup?

B is actually a process that publishes a webservice interface through
axis. How is it possible to support both scenarios?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appriciated!


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