Axis2 0.95 on Tomcat 5.5, even I tried using wsdl from source /axis2/modules/codegen/test-resources/headers.wsdl and generated server code form WSDL2Java and included headers.wsdl in service archive, it read the wsdl but still has same result no soap header.


On 4/3/06, Deepal Jayasinghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Gopal;

is this happen in 0.95 or current code base ?

Gopal Patwa wrote:

> Anybody from development team ??
> why my soap:header are not appearing on browser when I try to view
> from http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/keystone?wsdl even it is
> define in my wsdl
> Due to this problem my BPEL process is unable to send ws-addressing
> headers
> this output from browser, does Axis2 remove soap:header
><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
><definitions name=
>"keystone" targetNamespace=" http://org.apache.axis2/"
>xmlns:tns="http://org.apache.axis2/" xmlns:wsa="
>" xmlns:ns1="http://org.apache.axis2/xsd"
>xmlns:xs=" " xmlns:soap
>="" xmlns="
> ">
>  <types>
>    <xs:schema xmlns:xs=
>"" attributeFormDefault="qualified"
>elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="
> <>" xmlns="">
>            <
>import namespace=""
>        </xs:schema>
>    <xs:schema xmlns:xs="
>" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace=
>"http://org.apache.axis2/xsd " xmlns="
> <>">
>               <xs:complexType name="echoAsyncRequest">
>                    <
>                        <xs:element name="param1"
>                    </xs:sequence>
>               </xs:complexType>
>               <xs:complexType
> name="echoAsyncResponse">
>                    <xs:sequence>
>                        <
>xs:element name="return" type="xs:string"
>                    </xs:sequence>
>               </xs:complexType>
>            <xs:element
> name="EchoAsyncRequest" type="ns1:echoAsyncRequest"/
>            <xs:element name="EchoAsyncResponse" type=
>        </xs:schema>
>  </types>
>  <message name="ContinueHeader">
>    <part name="RelatesTo" element="wsa:RelatesTo"
>  </message>
>  <message name="StartHeader"
>    <part name="MessageID" element=
>    <part name="ReplyTo"
>  </message>
>  <message
> name="echoAsyncRequestMessage">
>    <part name="part1" element=
>  </message>
>  <message name=
>    <part name="part2"
>  </message>
>  <
>portType name="keystonePortCallBack">
>    <operation name
>      <input message="tns:echoAsyncResponseMessage"
>    </operation>
>  </portType>
>  <portType name="keystonePort">
>    <operation name="echoAsync">
>      <input
> message="tns:echoAsyncRequestMessage"/>
>    </operation>
>  </
>  <binding name="keystoneCallBackBinding" type
>    <soap:binding style="document"
>    <operation name="onResult">
>      <soap:operation soapAction="onResult" style=
>      <input
>        <soap:body use
>="literal" namespace
>      </input>
>    </operation>
>  </binding>
>  <binding name=
>"keystoneBinding" type="tns:keystonePort">
>    <soap:binding
> style="document" transport="
> < >"/>
>    <operation name="echoAsync">
>      <soap:operation soapAction="echoAsync" style
>      <input
>        <soap:body use
>="literal" namespace
>      </input>
>    </operation>
>  </binding>
>  <service name=
>    <port name="keystonePort0" binding
>      <soap:address location="
>    </port>
>  </service>
>  <service name=
>    <port name="keystonePort0" binding
>      <soap:address location="
> http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/keystone"/>
>    </port>
>  </service>
> On 3/31/06, *Gopal Patwa* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     I have custom wsdl with just an echo service which contain soap
>     header as input for action but when I view my wsdl from browser it
>     does not show up the soap header part??
>     Any help ??, let me if anything wrong in wsdl it self
>     Thanks
>     Gopal
>     my wsdl file
>     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>     <definitions name="keystone"
>     targetNamespace=" http://org.apache.axis2/" xmlns:tns="
>     http://org.apache.axis2/"
>         xmlns:ns1=" http://org.apache.axis2/xsd" xmlns:xs="
>         xmlns:soap=" soap/
>     <>"
>     xmlns=""
>         xmlns:plnk=""
>         xmlns:wsa="">
>         <types>
>             <xs:schema attributeFormDefault="qualified"
>     elementFormDefault="qualified"
>             targetNamespace=""
>     xmlns="">
>                 <import
>     namespace=" "
>     schemaLocation="" />
>             </xs:schema>
>             <xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
>     xmlns=""
>                        targetNamespace=" http://org.apache.axis2/xsd">
>                    <xs:complexType name="echoAsyncRequest">
>                         <xs:sequence>
>                             <xs:element name="param1" type="xs:string"/>
>                         </xs:sequence>
>                    </xs:complexType>
>                    <xs:complexType name="echoAsyncResponse">
>                         <xs:sequence>
>                             <xs:element name="return" type="xs:string"/>
>                         </xs:sequence>
>                    </xs:complexType>
>                 <xs:element name="EchoAsyncRequest"
>     type="ns1:echoAsyncRequest"/>
>                 <xs:element name="EchoAsyncResponse"
>     type="ns1:echoAsyncResponse"/>
>             </xs:schema>
>         </types>
>         <message name="StartHeader">
>             <part name="MessageID" element="wsa:MessageID" />
>             <part name="ReplyTo" element="wsa:ReplyTo" />
>         </message>
>           <message name="ContinueHeader">
>             <part name="RelatesTo" element="wsa:RelatesTo"/>
>           </message>
>           <message name="echoAsyncRequestMessage">
>             <part name="part1" element="ns1:EchoAsyncRequest"/>
>           </message>
>           <message name="echoAsyncResponseMessage">
>             <part name="part2" element="ns1:EchoAsyncResponse"/>
>           </message>
>         <portType name="keystonePort">
>             <operation name="echoAsync">
>                 <input message="tns:echoAsyncRequestMessage" />
>             </operation>
>         </portType>
>         <portType name="keystonePortCallBack">
>             <operation name="onResult">
>                 <input message="tns:echoAsyncResponseMessage" />
>             </operation>
>         </portType>
>           <plnk:partnerLinkType name="keystone">
>             <plnk:role name="keystoneServiceProvider">
>               <plnk:portType name="tns:keystone"/>
>             </plnk:role>
>             <plnk:role name="keystoneServiceRequester">
>               <plnk:portType name="tns:keystoneCallBack"/>
>             </plnk:role>
>           </plnk:partnerLinkType>
>         <binding name="keystoneBinding" type="tns:keystonePort">
>             <soap:binding style="document"
>     transport=" soap/http
>     <>" />
>             <operation name="echoAsync">
>                 <soap:operation soapAction="echoAsync" style="document"/>
>                 <input>
>                     <soap:body use="literal"/>
>                     <soap:header message="tns:StartHeader"
>                                  part="MessageID"
>                                  use="literal"/>
>                     <soap:header message="tns:StartHeader"
>                                  part="ReplyTo"
>                                  use="literal"/>
>                 </input>
>             </operation>
>         </binding>
>         <binding name="keystoneCallBackBinding"
>     type="tns:keystonePortCallBack">
>             <soap:binding style="document"
>     transport=" soap/http
>     <>" />
>             <operation name="onResult">
>                 <soap:operation soapAction="onResult" style="document"/>
>                 <input>
>                     <soap:body use="literal"/>
>                     <soap:header message="tns:ContinueHeader"
>                                  part="RelatesTo"
>                                  use="literal"/>
>                 </input>
>             </operation>
>         </binding>
>         <service name="keystone">
>             <port name="keystonePort0" binding="tns:keystoneBinding">
>                 <soap:address
>     location="http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/keystone "/>
>         </port>
>       </service>
>       <service name="keystoneCallBack">
>         <port name="keystonePort0CallBack"
>     binding="tns:keystoneCallBackBinding">
>              <soap:address location=""/>
>         </port>
>       </service>
>     </definitions>

~Future is Open~

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