Hi All,
Is there anty way to deploy a Web-service on apache SOAP using org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializerFactory for Serialization and Deserialization.
I deployed the service on Apache SOAP (2.3.1) -- The service therefore uses org.apache.soap.encoding.soapenc.BeanSerializer for Serialization & DeSerialization.
I then used Java2WSDL and WSDL2Java to generate Client side code and stubs. -- The client therefore uses org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializerFactory for Serialization & DeSerialization
The client got ready - compiled and all.
Now the issue is that, SOAP uses org.apache.soap.encoding.soapenc.BeanSerializer for handling Marshalling and unmrshalling. The client can DeSerialize the Serialized data sent by the Apache SOAP server, but Apache SOAP can not DeSerialize the data Serialized by the Client.

Can anyone suggest a method using which I can make Apache SOAP(v2.3.1) service and AXIS(v1.3) client talk ??

Thank and regards,

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