Thanks Eran. It has worked perfectly for 0.95.

Ali Sadik Kumlali

--- Eran Chinthaka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Ali,
> Ali Sadik Kumlali wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > At the service side, I can get MessageID that is sent by the client
> by
> > invoking ctx.getMessageID(). What I need is to be able to know
> > MessageID that my service is going to send as a response. Actually,
> > what I need is a method like ctx.getMessageIDToBeSent(). 
> > AFAIK, it is not produced until it enters into the WSA module.
> > Therefore, in my service, I do not have the MessageID yet. Am I
> wrong?
> > If no, is there a way to do this? 
> Nope, the message id is set to the out message context, inside the
> message receiver. And then that message context *may* be passed in to
> the service implementation class.
> If you wanna know the sending messageId, get access to the out
> message
> context, within the service class and override the messageId value.
> How to get access to the out message context ?
> In 0.95, introduce a method in ur service implementation class
> public void init(MessageContext inMsgCtxt, MessageContext inMsgCtxt){
>  // ur code here
> }
> In 1.0 RC1, introduce a method in ur service implementation class
> public void setOperationContext(OperationContext opCtxt){
>   MessageContext outMsgCtxt =
> opCtxt.getMessageContext(WSDLConstants.MESSAGE_LABEL_OUT_VALUE);
> // your code here
> }
> -- Chinthaka

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