Hi all,

According to the test results of WS-Addressing found in
http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/addr/testsuite/report/ there may be different
MessageID patterns. Here are some of them:

  WS02 & Axis2: urn:uuid:43592586D597CCC70C1142484428187104
  Microsoft: urn:uuid:1c8f2504-5f3f-4364-b33d-af0addb67b51
  IBM: uuid:C5DA7766-0109-4000-E000-0D580A000006
  JBoss: auid:ef6949cee7321f7b
  Sun: uuid:85eb786a-a603-4cef-b0ab-f16078bdda9f

According to http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing schema, it can be any
value. Just to make sure, I did some tests with XMLSpy by giving 300
characters long text to MessageID field. There were no validation

At this point, I have some questions:

1) I need to write MessageID value to the database and therefore need
to know exact size and format of it. Is there a *sender neutral* way of

2) Although http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing schema does not
mandate for a special format, does Axis2 expect a special pattern?

3) Must I make sure that I can safely write MessageID without
contradicting database schema constraints, if it has passed through

Thanks a lot,

Ali Sadik Kumlali

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