Thanks Robert for another time,

But get/set Property work just in a single PC. So, when I setProperty("Data","value") in client handler (PC1), I can't get it in server handler (located in PC2). I want a solution witch allow me to enrich or extend soap message 4 times: request-client handler, request-server handler, response-server handler and response-client handler. I tried using session, but it doesn’t work in client side!!!! Is there another way?


Can You help me?


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: I want to add an information to soap-request message and to get it in soap-response message, how to do?

messageContext.getProperty and messageContext.setProperty should do the trick. You can access the MessageContext via a static method or in the handler. 


On 4/14/06, Riadh BEN HALIMA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I want to add an information to soap-request message and to get it in soap-response message, how to do?
Can I do it using Session? And how?
Please help me.

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