You'll find the process much easier if you start by defining your WSDL -- then generate your code and WSDD from the WSDL.


On 4/17/06, Anne Thomas Manes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Axis doesn't provide a default typemapping for this scenario, so you will need to define a custom typemapping.

On 4/17/06, Recep Ayaz < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks for answer Anne.
I switch to documental/literal  then
system generate error and written at tomcat screen that :

- Please register a typemapping/beanmapping for 'WSApp.Beans.TestClass'

colud you give a more information ?


2006/4/17, Anne Thomas Manes <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >:
Attributes in your parameter elements are not permitted when using rpc/encoed. I suggest you switch to document/literal.


On 4/17/06, Recep Ayaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am using axis 1.3 and tomcat 4.1. I am writting some java classes for my web service (server-side).
But i have some problems with Xml attribute fields (this is my third email so i am apologize for annoyance.).

my question is how can get xml element attribute value ? Which parameters and definitions should be modified or made in wsdd file or java class?

also i am send,ng my java class, wsdd file and SOAP request xml


package WSApp.Beans;
public class TestWS  {
  public TestWS() {
  public String myWSMethod(String s, int xmlAttributeParameter ) {
// doing something
//..................     ....
    return  "I got "s + " OK ";
My wsdd file :

<deployment xmlns="" xmlns:java="" xmlns:TestWS="" xmlns:reg="">
    <service name="TestWS" provider="java:RPC">
        <parameter name="className" value="WSApp.Beans.TestWS"/>
        <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="myWSMethod"/>
     <handler type="soapmonitor"/>
       <handler type="soapmonitor"/>

my SOAP request xml message

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:m0="">
            <s xmlAttributeParameter="12">Jhon </s>


my problem is how can i get value  of "xmlAttributeParameter" ?
please someone help me  i am really stuck about this.


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