You have to engage addressing module in the client if you are trying to
invoke a service using dual channel. You can do that as follows
  1 Create a ConfigurationContext using a repository witch contains
addressing module in it
  2. Then engage addressing module to ServiceCleint before invoke the
     (sc.engageModule(new QName("addressing")))

Michele Mazzucco wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've deployed Axis 2 (0.95) on Tomcat 5.5.15. I'm trying to execute a
> slightly modified version of the EchoNonBlockingDualClient example,
> but unfortunately it doesn't work.
> The client throws the following exception
> org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: In order to use two transport channels,
> WS-Addressing module must be engaged
> but the "addressing" module is enabled in
> %CATALINA_HOME%\webapps\axis2\WEB-INF\conf\axis2.xml (and in fact,
> according to the Axis 2 web administration tool, it seems to be
> deployed).
> Any suggestion is welcome.
> Thanks in advance,
> Michele

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