  In wsdd file we can specify the package structure  in which the class files have to be included.
For ex :
<beanMapping languageSpecificType="java:com.db.cc.common.entity.TestSummary" qname="ns2:TestSummary" xmlns:ns2="urn:entity.common.cc.db.com"/>
<beanMapping languageSpecificType="java:com.db.cc.common.TestInfo" qname="ns3:TestInfo" xmlns:ns3="urn:common.cc.db.com"/>
The generated stub classes from the WSDL  will be stored in the repective package structure.i.e TestSummary will be stored in the    
com.db.cc.common.entity package and TestInfo will be stored in com.db.cc.common package.
Is it possible to specify the same in Weblogic 8.1 jws file so that stub classes generated will be stored in different packages.If yes can anyone let me know the syntax to be specified in the jws for the same.
Thanks and Regards,

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