Thanks a lot to Vartan, Dies and Robert for your comments. I seem to
have missed Dies' message the first time round, so I am glad that
Robert took it up.

The situation as described by Dies is perfectly correct.
As for mapping Hibernate collections to arrays, I think I could
replace the existing set with arrays.
(the only limitation being this:
" Please note that Hibernate does not support bidirectional
one-to-many associations with an indexed collection (list, map or
array) as the "many" end, you have to use a set or bag mapping.").
this case however, I'd lose the code generation capabilities from the
Hibernate tool I'm working with, which for some reason assumes Set as
the default for collections.

I presume going down the adapter road might the most feasible. I have
some manager classes for the POJOs, which provide a facade to the
database (add, delete, update etc.). These classes could also serve as the 
adapters to convert the
WSDL2Java generated objects that are used on the client side to POJOs
used on the server side. I hope this makes sense, I don't really have that
much experience (as you may have guessed).



> I agree with dies - just one small caveat. I use hibernate with axis quite a
> bit:

> You can use xs:dateTime
> <> with
> java.util.Calendar<>-
> its pretty easy to get from there to
> java.util.Date . Some databinding frameworks - JWSDP for example - support
> java.util.Date directly.

> The way I use Hibernate collections is to map them to Arrays. WSDL handles
> array well. java.util.List and java.util.Set works well in that regard
> directly via Collection.toArray() . For java.util.Map, I create a complex
> type that has an array each of the keys and values, and then just compare
> the size to make sure they're equal.

> For Hibernate based POJO's with lots of fields - you need to map one to one
> the POJO to a complex object. I typically do this in an Adapter.

> HTH,
> Robert

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