Deploying the service as a directory solved most of the problems.

The jar(s) load MUCH faster now. Is it possible that the .aar file
access will ever be more efficient? 

I do still have one problem. The project is currently using the JAXB 2.0
RI. It seems that the Axis classloader will not load the needed jar
files even if they are in the lib directory ( of a service deployed as a
directory). Will axis load all jar(s) in the lib directory of a service
or is it selective base on what's inside the jar files? 

We are currently using Tomcat 5.5.x. If I have to put the JAXB jars
somewhere else what would be the best location to avoid conflicts? I'm
guessing my options are: 

axis2/WEB-INF/lib    :: Verified that this works
axis2/WEB-INF/services/projectName/lib    :: NOT working 
{catalina_home}/shared/lib   :: works
{catalina_home}/common/lib   :: works

-----Original Message-----
From: Deepal Jayasinghe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 8:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Axis2] Axis2 class loader and RC1

Hi Michael;

In Axis2 you can deploy service as directory as well, so please try to
deploy your service as a directory. The structure of that same as and
.aar file and you can have third party lib there as well. In the case of
.aar case class loading can be slow due to its reading mechanism and we
are not recommended to use that if you have large number of third party

SO your service directory will look like follows

Directoy based deployment is not slow as archive based deployment.

Michael Robinson wrote:

> I have downloaded the axis2.0 RC1 distribution and still have a
> problem with the classloader being very slow and in some cases failing
> to find the correct class file(s).
> I have a jar file of my own that contains JAXB 2.0 compiled schema
> objects. I have tested this jar file outside of Axis2 and everything
> is fine. When I package a project for axis deployment and include the
> jar(s) inside the .aar file's lib directory I get class not found
> I also tested what a previous post said about including the jars in
> Tomcat's global classloading path (and as the previous post mentioned,
> not the correct place) and this solved the problem.
> Any suggestions?
> *From:* robert lazarski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *Sent:* Thursday, April 20, 2006 1:12 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Axis2] Axis2 class loader and RC1
>Download locations :
>* binary and source distributions -
>* jars                                                
>* mars (addressing and security)
> <>
> On 4/20/06, *Mar, Kheng Kok* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
> I have the same problem that Robert has in 0.95 as well. And by the
> why is RC1 not available through Axis2 main project page as previous
> releases. And also, from the link deepal provided, I don't seem to see
> the security module.
> Rgds
> Kheng Kok
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Deepal Jayasinghe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 7:05 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: Axis2 class loader
> I think it is fixed now , Axis2 1.0 RC1 is available to download , so
> why dont you have a look at that :)
> Hudson Robert wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I (think) I've got an issue with the classloader in axis2-0.94....
>> When I try and run sendReceive(request) on a ServiceClient object for
>> the first time (since axis2 running inside tomcat) has been started
>> the operation takes so long that I get a HTTP timeout. When I then
>> the same command again it works fine. After doing some debugging I
>> came to the conclusion that it was the Axis2 classloader. My web
>> service uses quite a few jaxb jars and it is the loading of these
>> takes time. When I specify these inside tomcat (commons/lib - not the
>> correct place I know but it works) there is no delay and the client
>> works fine from the start. I've also tested this code outside of
>> and it works fine whether the jars are in the webapp lib directory or
>> within tomcat. Does it sounds like I'm right?
>> Is this issue fixed in later versions of Axis2? Will there be some
>> to initialise a webservice before a client call is made (like you can
>> with servlets) so that this kind of issue can be dealt with?
>> Cheers
>> Rob
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> --
> Thanks,
> Deepal
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