
Where should I copy my handler-specific classes so
they can be loaded by the handlers?

Let me explain: Right now, I am using the WSS4J
handler. I copied the wss4j.jar file under
$CATALINA_BASE/webapps/axis/WEB-INF/lib and it's 
working fine.

To verify digital signatures, the WSS4J handler loads
a class that comes included in the wss4j.jar. You can
also configure the handler to load some other class if
you want to tweak the behavior of the digital sig

So, I wrote and compiled a class "mySigVerifier.class"
and copied it under
Re-started Tomcat, re-deployed the application.

But now, I am getting errors "java.lang.RuntimeError:
mySigVerifier not found". So it seems that
...WEB-INF/classes is not included in the CLASSPATH
seen by the Axis handlers.

Where else can I copy this class so that the Axis
handlers can load it? Oh, and this class should be
able to load other classes from the axis handlers in
turn. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,


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