Please replace the geronimo jars with the ones from SUN in your
environment. There are certain clauses in the Sun Binary License that
is unacceptable to ASF.


On 4/27/06, Arnaud Blandin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Axis team,
> I just wanted to summarize the problem we faced recently and check with
> you the possible alternatives.
> We have just finished packaging a web-service that simply sends email.
> The main problem is that we had to use the Sun distribution of javamail
> and jaf.
> Thus our service hierarchy looks like:
> Service.aar
> |_lib
>   |_mail.jar
>   |_jaf.jar
>   |_...
> However since Axis2 shipped by default with geronimo-javamail and
> geronimo-activation which are not yet complete, there is class issue at
> runtime.
> In order to workaround this problem, we created our own class loader to
> redirect javax.mail and javax.activation to the correct classes.
> We unfortunately had no luck with this approach as we can only set the
> Service class loader and we don't have access to the classloader that
> loads initially the javax.mail libraries from the geronimo jars:
> -----------------------------
> AxisService service =
> msgContext.getOperationContext().getServiceContext().getAxisService();
> service.setClassLoader(myOwnStuff);
> -----------------------------
> The only workaround so far is to replace in the Axis2 distribution the
> geronimo jars with the sun jars.
> I hope I succeeded in describing the problem as it is not a common one
> nor an easy one.
> I have two questions:
>   1- is it possible to have access to the ClassLoader that loads
> initially the Axis2 libraries ?
>   2- if not, is it possible to ship Axis2 with the Sun libraries. I
> haven't seen something that would prevent to distribute it in the
> license.
> Many thanks,
> Arnaud

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