A SOAP request is built in a java api which contains this information prior to the Send method being called


Wed May 03 15:28:23 CDT 2006 Tag: xmlns

Wed May 03 15:28:23 CDT 2006 Name: xmlns

Wed May 03 15:28:23 CDT 2006 NS URI:

Wed May 03 15:28:23 CDT 2006 Prefix:

Wed May 03 15:28:23 CDT 2006 Node Value: http://bsgdal.com/vector/research/

Wed May 03 15:28:23 CDT 2006 Tag: xmlns:xsi

Wed May 03 15:28:23 CDT 2006 Name: xsi

Wed May 03 15:28:23 CDT 2006 NS URI: http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/

Wed May 03 15:28:23 CDT 2006 Prefix: xmlns

Wed May 03 15:28:23 CDT 2006 Node Value: http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance


During the Post the message request has extra xmlns attributes added to the Body:





The soap message request is running on Apache 2.0.45 and is being sent to a .Net Web Service


However the .Net Soap server chokes on the request with the following error and sends the following Soap Fault back to the java app


[SOAPException: faultCode=soap:Client; msg=System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to read request. ---> System.Xml.XmlException: The ':' character, hexadecimal value 0x3A, cannot be included in a name. Line 4, position 23.


Does anyone have any knowledge as to:


1)       Why the Post adds additional xmlns attributes

2)       Why the .Net web service cannot handle the “:” value


The .Net web service works fine with .Net to .Net and WebLogic to .Net


Any help would be greatly appreciated.




David Briseno

Metavante Image Solutions

AFS/Endpoint Exchange/TREEV/VECTORsgi


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