That looks fine providing the AS supports axis 1.3 on the server side. I know for example jboss won't. Your example, however, may help on the client side registering a serializer via ServiceFactory, if you need one.


On 5/5/06, G.Vasiakos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello all,

I am using AXIS 1.3 and i want to deploy an EJB (provider:EJB)  service. In the wsdd file i would like to include the type mappings description for complex type objects. Is the declaration same as in an rpc service or i have to make  changes? I want to use the EJB provider in order to update my class files without restarting the axis servlet(hot deploy).

This is the RPC type mapping that works :

        xmlns:ns=" http://com.test/gamedetails"
        serializer="org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanSerializerFactory "
If something has to be changed please tell me.

Thank you

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