
I copied the content of axis2.war into a web application and run it from the OC4J container (9.0.4) from JDeveloper
I noticed the following problems:

1. Because we have an 'error.jsp' file and an 'Error' subdirectory in the axis2-web directory, the jsp compiler reports an error:
Error: package and class have same name: _axis2_2d_web._error

Resolution: rename the directory 'Error' to 'Errors' and change the error-page urls in the web.xml accordingly.

2. When I click on the 'Services' link on the Welcome page, the contenttype of the result page is text/plain instead of text/html, so I get the page source in Firefox. The same behavior in all pages that are generated using the request.getRequestDispatcher(jspname).include(). Putting the following line before the dispatching in the renderView method of the AbstractAgent class resolves the problem:


3. Getting the wsdl of the 'version' service on the service list page (url: context-root/services/version?wsdl) displays an error:
Requested resource not found!

This is because the line 87 in ListingAgent does not detect the wsdl request parameter: httpServletRequest.getParameter("wsdl") returns null in OC4J (request.getParameterNames() returns an empty enumeration).
Calling with context-root/services/version?wsdl=x will return the wsdl.

I have never used jsp with OC4J before (we use Velocity), so I think the OC4J gurus can comment these issues and hopefully can find better solutions.

One more strange code fragment in RPCMessageReceiver.java (around line 114):

           // Handling the response
AxisMessage outaxisMessage = op.getMessage(WSDLConstants.MESSAGE_LABEL_OUT_VALUE);
           if (inaxisMessage != null) {
messageNameSpace = outaxisMessage.getElementQName().getNamespaceURI();

instead of checking inaxisMessage != null probably we should check outaxisMessage != null. I think the problem is the result of copy/pasting.


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