Which security sample? The security sample I'm aware of that has SecureService -modules/samples/src/sample/security/ - doesn't use databinding. So AFAIK you can't link a wsdl under META-INF to a services.xml that was _not_ created by wsdl2java. If you can that's news to me. 

What I think you are trying to do is use databinding on your wsdl, and then place InflowSecurity and OutflowSecurity via the module security-axis2.mar  into your wsdl2java generated  services.xml .   If that's the case,  just follow the sample after the messageReceiver part. Then you'll need to engage the module as explained in the security how-to.

If that's not the case perhaps Ruchith can comment.


On 5/5/06, Sérgio Sousa < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The problem is that I've tried putting a wsdl file in the META-INF dir on the SercurityService (samples) and axis2 doesn't recognize it and sends always the same error (wsdl not found in META-INF.....)
Sérgio Sousa

-----Original Message-----
From: "robert lazarski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Date: Fri, 5 May 2006 20:42:31 -0300
Subject: Re: [Axis2] Problems getting wsdl from deployed services in Axis2 v1.0

Just put the WSDL inside the META-INF of the aar file. See this article for an explanation of this and a few other common issues:



On 5/5/06, Sérgio Sousa < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can anyone tell me please how do I include a wsdl file in the aar archive?
What name should this wsdl file have?


Sérgio Sousa

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