
You can use the Axis2 "War Distribution" [1] and deploy it in Apache Tomcat.

Please refer to "Installing Axis2 in a Servlet Container" section of
the installation guide [2] to install the axis2.war.


[1] http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/ws/axis2/1_0/axis2.war
[2] http://ws.apache.org/axis2/1_0/installationguide.html#_Toc96698086

On 5/5/06, Plater, Elizabeth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I noticed that the SimpleHTTPServer packaged with Axis2 and configured as
the default Transport Receiver for http requests is not production-worthy.

Do you have a standard alternative http server recommended for production
use? If so, how should it be configured in the axis2.xml file?

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