Hi, thanks for your help, but it dosnt work for me. I get this error with 
xalan-2.6.0.jar on my classpath too.


> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: axis-user@ws.apache.org
> Gesendet: 12.05.06 08:13:26
> An: axis-user@ws.apache.org
> Betreff: Re: Axis 2 v1.0 security sample

> Hi Nathan,
> You need to add xalan-2.6.0.jar to your classpath.
> Regards,
> Ali Sadik Kumlali
> --- Nathan West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > my Problem is that i get a URL Exception. My first Problem was, that
> > the axis security sample client cant find his axis2.xml in the
> > repository. So i used -Daxis2.xml... to solve that problem. But now i
> > get this exception:
> > 
> > 0    [main] INFO  org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentEngine  - no
> > services directory found , new one created
> > 80   [main] INFO  org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentEngine  -
> > Deploying module : addressing-1.0
> > 2133 [main] INFO  org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentEngine  -
> > Deploying module : rampart-1.0
> > Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> > org/apache/xml/utils/URI$MalformedURIException
> >     at
> >
> org.apache.ws.security.message.WSSecSignature.prepare(WSSecSignature.java:336)
> >     at
> >
> org.apache.ws.security.message.WSSecSignature.build(WSSecSignature.java:643)
> >     at
> >
> org.apache.ws.security.action.SignatureAction.execute(SignatureAction.java:54)
> >     at
> >
> org.apache.ws.security.handler.WSHandler.doSenderAction(WSHandler.java:191)
> >     at
> >
> org.apache.axis2.security.WSDoAllSender.processMessage(WSDoAllSender.java:181)
> >     at
> >
> org.apache.axis2.security.handler.WSDoAllHandler.invoke(WSDoAllHandler.java:82)
> >     at org.apache.axis2.engine.Phase.invoke(Phase.java:381)
> >     at org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.invoke(AxisEngine.java:473)
> >     at org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine.send(AxisEngine.java:572)
> >     at
> >
> org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.send(OutInAxisOperation.java:328)
> >     at
> >
> org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.execute(OutInAxisOperation.java:279)
> >     at
> >
> org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient.sendReceive(ServiceClient.java:457)
> >     at
> >
> org.apache.axis2.client.ServiceClient.sendReceive(ServiceClient.java:399)
> >     at sample.security.Client.main(Client.java:61)
> > 
> > I followed these instructions:
> > 
> > Please follow each of the following steps:
> > Note - These instructions assume that the Axis2.war is already
> > deployed in Tomcat
> > 
> > 1.) Download the rampart-1.0.mar and addressing-1.0.mar from 
> >     http://ws.apache.org/axis2/modules/
> > 2.) To engage the rampart (WSS4J) module add the following line to
> > axis2.xml in axis2/WEB-INF/conf/
> >     <module ref="rampart"/>
> > 3.) Copy samples/security/SecureService.aar to
> > axis2/WEB-INF/services/ directory
> > 4.) Copy all jars other than the secUtil.jar in the
> > samples/security/lib directory to axis2/WEB-INF/lib/
> > 5.) Copy the downloaded rampart-1.0.mar to Axis2/WEB-INF/modules/
> > directory
> > 6.) Start Tomcat
> > 
> > Run the sample
> > 
> > And i am using:
> > -tomcat 5.5
> > -java 1.4
> > -axis 2 version 1.0
> > -security sample: \axis2-std-1.0-bin\samples\security
> > 
> > Best regards
> > nathan
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> > 
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