Hi Kent,

You seem correct to me. Also, if you look inside the generated test
client jar (<serviceName>-test-client.jar), you won't see services.xml

Anyway, I forgot to mention that what I said was *my own* experience
not how Axis2 really did :) And there should(!) be a way to use
separate configurations for different stubs.


Ali Sadik Kumlali

--- Kent Tong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ali Sadik Kumlali <as_kumlali <at> yahoo.com> writes:
> > Service client which invokes stub of the service, needs to
> configure
> > axis2.xml instead of services.xml. Although there is no stub use,
> you
> > may see an example of using axis2.xml in
> ...\axis2\samples\security\
> > sample. You'll see a client_repo folder that has conf\axis2.xml
> inside.
> Hi Ali,
> Thanks for the reply. So, it means it's got to be a global thing? For
> example, one can't encrypt the out message of an operation while just
> sign the out message of another operation?

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