I thought I had a valid use case for this same feature, but perhaps
I'm just missing something in JiBX.  I have one service with two
methods:  "postObject1" and "postObject2", where Object1 and Object2
are the different versions of the same object, versioned by namespace.
So "postObject1"  takes an argument called Object with namespace
urn:blah:1.0, and postObject2 takes an argument called Object with
namespace urn:blah:1.1.
On the code side, Object1 and Object2 are getting mapped to the same
Java object -- they're very similar, and JiBX gives me the flexibility
to reconcile their differences during deserialization.  However, since
Object1 and Object2 are getting mapped to the same java type, they
have to (as far as I'm aware) live in two different binding files.
So, is there another way I should be going about it, that doesn't
involve multiple binding files?



-----Original Message-----
List:       axis-user
Subject:    RE: Jibx, Axis2 and multiple binding files
From:       "Andres Olave" <Andres.Olave () Virginmobile ! com>
Date:       2006-05-10 17:04:43
Message-ID: DF7A2D28EF683D4F9480C841710C4339E8C679 () MAIL ! virginmobile ! com

Thanks Dennis,

Yeah, basically because i was just implementing a proof of concept and
hadn't got \
around to having a single file which included all 4 files. Fixed that
up and came \
across another interesting thing, which is that the wsdl message
components have to \
be specified in the top level binding file.

We will probably share some of those message components in different
services, so (if \
i could sneakily suggest) that it'd be great if the code generator
would be able to \
look at the mappings that are being included as well.

Anyway it all looks brilliant now as the interface the generator
popped out with is \
exactly as expected - matching our thoroughly unit tested
implementation. Now on to \
the axis2 testing :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Sosnoski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 09 May 2006 22:06
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Re: Jibx, Axis2 and multiple binding files

Hi Andres,

I didn't realize there'd be a need for handling multiple binding
definitions as part of a single service, since generally a service is
working with related data. Is there a reason you have your binding
structured this way?

Right now the code makes the assumption (in both WSDL2Java and runtime)
that there'll only be a single binding per service. I'm generalizing the
code to handle unwrapped operations now so that you don't need to create
or bind those wrapper classes for method parameters. Hopefully I can fix
things for your case as well.

 - Dennis

Dennis M. Sosnoski
SOA, Web Services, and XML
Training and Consulting
http://www.sosnoski.com - http://www.sosnoski.co.nz
Seattle, WA +1-425-296-6194 - Wellington, NZ +64-4-298-6117

Andres Olave wrote:

Hi there,

I have been playing around with the Jibx support, but the current
project i am trying to migrate across to Axis 2 has 4 jibx mapping
files. How should I go about running the code generator to take in all
of the binding?files?


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