Do you have axiom-api-1.0.jar and axiom-impl-1.0.jar in your classpath ?

Throw Away wrote:
> I FINALLY got around the non-generating code. I believe there is an
> issue with using a schema include.
> However, now that i have the generated WSDL2Java code, I am having
> trouble compiling it.
> I am getting compile errors related to non-existent methods in the Axiom
> OMElement class - here is the stack trace:
> Seems like OMElement does not have a method called newXMLStreamReader()
> any ideas?
> /webservices/generated_source/src/org/apache/axis2/
> cannot find symbol
> symbol  : method newXMLStreamReader()
> location: interface
> (,new
> org.apache.axis2.util.StreamWrapper(param.newXMLStreamReader())) ;
> ^
> /webservices/generated_source/src/org/apache/axis2/
> cannot find symbol
> symbol  : variable Factory
> location: interface
>                  return
>                                                      ^
> /webservices/generated_source/src/org/apache/axis2/
> cannot find symbol
> symbol  : variable Factory
> location: interface
>                  return
>                                                      ^
> /webservices/generated_source/src/org/apache/axis2/
> cannot find symbol
> symbol  : method newXMLStreamReader()
> location: interface
> (,new
> org.apache.axis2.util.StreamWrapper(param.newXMLStreamReader ())) ;
> ^
> /webservices/generated_source/src/org/apache/axis2/
> cannot find symbol
> symbol  : variable Factory
> location: interface
>                  return
>                                                      ^
> /webservices/generated_source/src/org/apache/axis2/
> cannot find symbol
> symbol  : variable Factory
> location: interface
>                  return
>                                                      ^
> Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
> Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> 6 errors                                                         
> On 5/16/06, *Throw Away* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     I will attempt to recompile the nightly build and try my WSDL. For
>     now I can work around some of the issues by placing my common schema
>     in a different namespace.
>     On 5/16/06, * robert lazarski* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>         There was a similair issue but it is marked as resolved, from
>         around the .95 time frame:
>         There have been some issues resolved with xmlbeans since the 1.0
>         release, so it may be worth compiling from source. Or perhaps
>         the nightly binary builds:
>         If you still have the issue with the latest code base, could you
>         file a jira?
>         Robert
>         On 5/16/06, * Throw Away* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>             it looks like there is some issue with using an xs:include
>             in the schema's i reference.
>             Are there any known issues with that?
>             If I take the included schema and copy/paste it so i just
>             have one schema w/ no includes, then the code is generated
>             correctly.
>             On 5/16/06, *robert lazarski* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>             <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>                 Going to need any schemas you have, such as acme.xsd .
>                 Robert
>                 On 5/16/06, *Throw Away* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                 <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>                     Due to some sensitivty with the WSDL, I had to
>                     change some naming, here it is:
>                     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>                     <wsdl:definitions xmlns:wsdl="
>           ";
>                     xmlns:soap="
>                     <>"
>                                       xmlns:xsi="
>           ";
>                     xmlns:xsd="
>                     <>"
>                                       xmlns:tns="
>           ";
>                                       xmlns:payload="";
>                                       targetNamespace="
>           ";
>                                       name="acmeService">
>                         <wsdl:types>
>                             <schema targetNamespace="
>            <>"
>                                     xmlns="";
>                                     elementFormDefault="qualified">
>                                 <import namespace="";
>                                         schemaLocation="acme.xsd"/>
>                                 <import namespace="
>           ";
>                                         schemaLocation="acme_export.xsd"/>
>                                 <import
>                     namespace="
>                     <>"
>                     schemaLocation="acmeLite_TO_export.xsd"/>
>                                 <import
>                     namespace="
>                     <>"
>                     schemaLocation="acmeLite_TPO_export.xsd"/>
>                             </schema>
>                         </wsdl:types>
>                         <wsdl:message name="searchEventRequest">
>                             <wsdl:part name="request"
>                     element="payload:EventSearchCriterion"/>
>                         </wsdl:message>
>                         <wsdl:message name="searchEventResponse">
>                             <wsdl:part name="response"
>                     element="payload:EventList"/>
>                         </wsdl:message>
>                         <wsdl:message name="getobjectiveByEventRequest">
>                             <wsdl:part name="request"
>                     element="payload:objectiveSearchCriterion"/>
>                         </wsdl:message>
>                         <wsdl:message name="getobjectiveByEventResponse">
>                             <wsdl:part name="response"
>                     element="payload:DATA"/>
>                         </wsdl:message>
>                         <wsdl:portType name="port">
>                             <wsdl:operation name="searchEvent">
>                                 <wsdl:input name="searchEventRequest"
>                     message="tns:searchEventRequest"/>
>                                 <wsdl:output name="searchEventResponse"
>                     message="tns:searchEventResponse"/>
>                             </wsdl:operation>
>                             <wsdl:operation name="getobjectiveByEvent">
>                                 <wsdl:input
>                     name="getobjectiveByEventRequest"
>                     message="tns:getobjectiveByEventRequest"/>
>                                 <wsdl:output
>                     name="getobjectiveByEventResponse"
>                     message="tns:getobjectiveByEventResponse"/>
>                             </wsdl:operation>
>                         </wsdl:portType>
>                         <wsdl:binding name="acmeServiceBinding"
>                                       type="tns:port">
>                             <soap:binding style="document"
>                     transport="
>                     <>"/>
>                             <wsdl:operation name="searchEvent">
>                                 <soap:operation soapAction="searchEvent"/>
>                                 <wsdl:input>
>                                     <soap:body use="literal"
>                     namespace="
>                     <>"/>
>                                 </wsdl:input>
>                                 <wsdl:output>
>                                     <soap:body use="literal"
>                     namespace="
>                     <>"/>
>                                 </wsdl:output>
>                             </wsdl:operation>
>                             <wsdl:operation name="getobjectiveByEvent">
>                                 <soap:operation
>                     soapAction="getobjectiveByEvent"/>
>                                 <wsdl:input>
>                                     <soap:body use="literal"
>                     namespace=""/>
>                                 </wsdl:input>
>                                 <wsdl:output>
>                                     <soap:body use="literal"
>                     namespace=""/>
>                                 </wsdl:output>
>                             </wsdl:operation>
>                         </wsdl:binding>
>                         <wsdl:service name="acmeService">
>                             <wsdl:port name="port"
>                                        binding="tns:acmeServiceBinding">
>                                 <soap:address
>                     location="http://localhost:8080/acme/services/port"/>
>                             </wsdl:port>
>                         </wsdl:service>
>                     </wsdl:definitions>
>                     On 5/15/06, *robert lazarski* <
>                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>                         Post your your entire wsdl and maybe we can
>                         help. There's been some recent fixes for
>                         xmlbeans and I can try running your wsdl off of
>                         the latest svn. I can't think off a vaild
>                         scenario where you wouldn't get a document file
>                         by the supported styles  doc / lit  and rpc  /
>                         lit , though there might be. There's also the
>                         possibilty that your wsdl explains the problem.
>                         HTH,
>                         Robert
>                         On 5/15/06, *Throw Away* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                         <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>                             Hello,
>                             I am using the WSDL2Java command to generate
>                             some java files with the XML Beans
>                             databinding. For some reason, some classes
>                             that I expect to be generated don't come
>                             out. I have been using Axis2 v 0.93 and am
>                             now upgrading to 1.0.
>                             Here is a snippet of my WSDL:
>                             <xs:include schemaLocation="common.xsd"/>
>                             <xs:element name="ExportData"
>                             type="ExportDataType"/>
>                             <xs:complexType name="ExportDataType">
>                               <xs:sequence>
>                                  <xs:element name="Header"
>                             type="HeaderType"/>
>                                  <xs:sequence>
>                                   <xs:element name="Data" type="DataType"/>
>                                  </xs:sequence>
>                               </xs:sequence>
>                             </xs:complexType>
>                             In the old version, I would get generated
>                             types for
>                             ExportDataType
>                             ExportDataDocument
>                             HeaderType,
>                              and so on.
>                             But now, I get no class for
>                             ExportDataDocument among others.
>                             Some type classes get generated, but not the
>                             document.
>                             This is the WSDL2Java I am calling from
>                             inside of ant:
>                                     <java
>                             classname="org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2Java"
>                                         failonerror="true" fork="true"
>                                         classpathref="ws.classpath">
>                                         <arg line="-uri ${wsdl.location}"/>
>                                         <arg line="-ss"/>
>                                         <arg line="-sd"/>
>                                         <arg line="-d xmlbeans"/>
>                                         <arg line="-o ${generated.dir}"/>
>                                         <arg line="-g"/>
>                                     </java>
>                             Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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