Or -- customize Axis.

On 5/22/06, Anne Thomas Manes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Axis does not provide this type of configuration option. Either construct the message programmatically using JAXP or insert an intermediary into your message path to transform the message.


On 5/22/06, Razvan Dani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am not sure if this is the right place to address this, but i'd
appreciate some feedback if possible, because i already made lots of
queries on the internet about this issue with no success.

My problem is the following:
- i am using WSDL to Java ant task to generate classes against a WSDL.
- when i make a method call on the generated Stub (so notice that i am
not constructing the envelope by hand neither i use the Call class
directly), Axis is constructing the envelope as this:
xmlns:soapenv=" http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"....

This works just fine for many Web Services, but in my particular case,
the Web Service implementation on the server side is "hardcoded" to only
be able to accept
xmlns:soap-env=" http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ "

I know this is an issue that should be fixed on the server part since
the Web Service specs is flexible to allow any prefix for the envelope
as long as the name space URL is correct. But i don't have control on
the server part and thus i would like to know if this issue can be
tackled from Axis.

So the question is whether it is possible to make some configuration in
Axis so that i can specify at runtime what prefix should be used for the
envelope (e.g. soap-env instead of soapenv)?

Many thanks in advance if i receive any answer to this issue.


Razvan Dani

Senior Java Developer

ARoBS Transilvania Software

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