Hi - the latest snapshot did work - now I just to get the client side updated to Axis2.  :)


"Davanum Srinivas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

05/23/2006 05:22 PM

Please respond to

Re: [Axis2] disabling prefix optimization


AFAIK, this problem has been fixed in AXIOM SVN. Could u please try that?


On 5/23/06, Daniel Jemiolo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm encountering some behavior in Axis2/Axiom that I also saw in Axis 1.x,
> and I want to make sure there's no flag/setting that's escaped me before I
> go off and hack around it. I think the problem might be generic to Axiom,
> but it definitely affects both versions of Axis, so I figure this list would
> be a good place to start.
> My problem is that sometime in between the call to AxisEngine.send() and the
> serialization of the SOAP response onto the wire, my SOAP response loses a
> lot of prefix-namespace mappings. Here is an example:
> SOAP body I create and return from an Axis2 service method:
> <wsrf-rp:GetResourcePropertyResponse xmlns:wsrf-rp="...">
>     <wsnt:Topic xmlns:wsnt="..." xmlns:foo="...">
>        foo:MyTopicName
>     </wsnt:Topic>
> </wsrf-rp:GetResourcePropertyResponse>
> SOAP body that I receive on the client side (w/ an Axis 1.x client):
> <wsrf-rp:GetResourcePropertyResponse xmlns:wsrf-rp="...">
>     <wsnt:Topic xmlns:wsnt="...">    <!-- foo is gone! -->
>        foo:MyTopicName
>     </wsnt:Topic>
> </wsrf-rp:GetResourcePropertyResponse>
> Notice the lack of xmlns:foo="...". It has been "optimized away", because
> there is no element name or attribute name within the XML fragment that has
> foo: as a prefix. But the prefix IS being used - it is referenced in the
> text value of the <wsnt:Topic/> element. When this XML is received on the
> client side, I try to parse the value as a QName, and, finding no match for
> the foo: prefix, must either throw an exception or treat the value as a
> simple name (neither will produce the correct results).
> I have tried using OMElement.setText(QName) in the hopes that this would
> solve the problem, but a) it does not appear to change the behavior, and b)
> it does not address the use of QNames as attribute values. Both of these
> situations occur frequently in the WSRF, WSN, and WSDM specifications, and
> it's not possible to build spec-compliant implementations without these
> "unused" prefix declarations.
> Axis 1.x had a configuration flag called
> "enableNamespacePrefixOptimization" which supposedly turned
> off this XML optimization. Changing the value never seemed to work for me,
> but nevertheless, the idea is a good one. Is it possible to add a setting to
> Axis2 so that it will leave the SOAP envelope alone and send it as-is? Or,
> more immediately, is there a suggested way to work around this? My current
> hack (which is very ugly), is to create a dummy attribute within every
> namespace whose prefix is being deleted in order to "trick" the SOAP/OM
> implementation into keeping them around. This doesn't hurt interop, it's
> just ugly and bad for performance.
> I guess it's also extremely ironic, since the goal of the original author
> was to minimize the size of the XML payload.  :)
> Thanks,
> Dan
>  Dan Jemiolo
>  IBM Corporation
>  Research Triangle Park, NC
>  +++ I'm an engineer. I make slides that people can't read. Sometimes I eat
> donuts. +++

Davanum Srinivas : http://wso2.com/blogs/

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