Include Servlet.jar on your CLASSPATH

Viel Gluck
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----- Original Message -----
From: Rolf Ernst
Sent: Saturday, June 03, 2006 7:56 PM
Subject: AxisHTTPSessionListener

Noobie alert:

I am trying to install Axis 1.4 under Tomcat 5.0 under USS. Tomcat installs and operates fine. However, Axis refuses to initialize with the error messages below (and more), complaining about a AxisHTTPSessionListener listener class. I googled the code (no idea which libraries I need in my classpath to compile) but finally, I wonder - Do i need this class? If so - where should it go.

Again, I apologize for being completely new to Axis.


2006-06-03 12:48:01 StandardContext[/balancer]org.apache.webapp.balancer.BalancerFilter: init(): ruleChain: [org.apache.webapp.balancer.RuleChain: [org.apache.webapp.balancer.rules.URLStringMatchRule: Target string: News / Redirect URL:], [org.apache.webapp.balancer.rules.RequestParameterRule: Target param name: paramName / Target param value: paramValue / Redirect URL:], [org.apache.webapp.balancer.rules.AcceptEverythingRule: Redirect URL:]]
2006-06-03 12:48:59 StandardContext[/axis]Error configuring application listener of class org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisHTTPSessionListener
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/http/HttpSessionListener
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(

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