Hi Michele;
None of the property is send to wire , all the properties for internal
processing I mean if you set a property in one server instance there is
no way that you can access that in some other server.

If you want to share properties between two servers you have to send
those in SOAP message as SOAP headers.

Michele Mazzucco wrote:

>Hi all,
>I've got two handlers (A and B), deployed on two different tomcat
>servers (1 and 2).
>When server 2 is started, handler B sends a message to handler A (server
>1 is running). My problem is that handler B inserts a message property
>into the options and that option is received as NULL:
>============ Handler A
>public void invoke(MessageContext messageContext) throws AxisFault {
>       MessageType type = (MessageType)
> messageContext.getProperty(QOSPConstants.QOSP_MESSAGE_TYPE);
>       if (type != null)
>               log.info("Message type [" + type.value() + "]");
>       else
>               log.error("Message type is NULL");
>       }
>       //......
>============== Handler B
>// Method called into the constructor
>private final void register() throws AxisFault {
>       if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
>               log.debug("Registering node");
>       }
>       ServiceClient sender = new ServiceClient();
>       Options options = new Options();
>       EndpointReference managerEPR = new
>       if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
>               log.debug("Manager EPR [" + managerEPR.getAddress() + "]");
>       }
>       options.setTo(managerEPR);
> options.setTransportInProtocol(Constants.TRANSPORT_HTTP);
> options.setSoapVersionURI(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI);
>       options.setProperty(QOSPConstants.QOSP_MESSAGE_TYPE,
>       MessageType.NEW_NODE);
>       sender.setOptions(options);
>       MessageType type = (MessageType)
>       if (type == null) {
>               log.error("Message type is NULL!");
>       } else {
>               log.info("Message type [" + type.value() + "]");
>       OMElement method = factory.createOMElement(SOAPConstants.ADD_NODE,
> method.addChild(this.factory.createOMText(NodeDispatcher.name));
>       if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
>               log.debug("Request [" + method.toString() + "]");
>       }
>       sender.sendRobust(method);
>       if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
>               log.info("Registered node [" + name + "]");
>       }
>       }
>The log messages are
>// Handler A
>ERROR ncl.qosp.modules.manager.RouterDispatcher - Message type is NULL
>// Handler B
>DEBUG ncl.qosp.modules.node.NodeDispatcher - Codestore endpoint
>DEBUG ncl.qosp.modules.node.NodeDispatcher - Registering node
>DEBUG ncl.qosp.modules.node.NodeDispatcher - Manager EPR
>INFO  ncl.qosp.modules.node.NodeDispatcher - Message type [New node]
>DEBUG ncl.qosp.modules.node.NodeDispatcher - Request [<codestore:addNode
>What happened? Are property values sent to the wire?
>Thanks in advance,
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