Hi folks,
I'm working through the Axis2 examples using the user's guide. Thanks for a great job. I have some suggestions which I hope are helpful.

1) It would really help if you could explain what WSDL2Java and Axis2 are doing, in a similar to manner to Xfire's documentation. Specifically, the original WSDL only has a soap binding, but Axis seems to provide a REST binding. Is that what I should expect? Where did that come from? How do I control it? The REST binding is POST, what if I want GET?

2) The very first example makes reference to something called an OMElement. If this is the first time you've worked with Axis, you're not going to know what that is. Yet the text claims that no explanation is necessary. I'd suggest that the first example should simply use String parameters and return values; save OMwhatever for a more advanced example. The reason for using these examples is to get a gut feeling for how the technology works, and to assess how complicated or easy it is to use. In keeping with this, the examples should start a simple as possible, and add on complexity ( and build up confidence) as you go.

Thanks again!

Janet Moyer

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