Hi Deepal
Any update on the byte[] side? If this is a bug should I go ahead and
create a JIRA.


             Deepal Jayasinghe                                             
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             e.lk>                                                      To 
             06/08/2006 05:35                                           cc 
                                       Re: [Axis2]wsdl schema type         
             Please respond to         generation bug with byte[]- More    
             [EMAIL PROTECTED]         bugs??                              

Hi Anamitra;
I wrote a service implementation class with your method , and then I
generated the code and invoke the service and I got the following
response. So I can not find any bug can you please check the current
code base and let me know.

         MemberServiceStub stub = new MemberServiceStub();
        MemberServiceStub.ProcessData req = new
        MemberServiceStub.ProcessDataResponse res = stub.processData(req);
        System.out.println("res = " + res.get_return());

Out put was     res = <MXINVBALInterface>hello</MXINVBALInterface>

And the service impl class look like;
  public String processData(String ifaceName, String extsysName, String
            xmldata) {
        return xmldata;


>This is in contunuation of the prev mail. I changed my method signature to
>take in String instead of byte[]
>public String processData(String ifaceName, String extsysName, String
>and the schema generated was as below
><xs:element name="processData">
>            - <xs:complexType>
>              - <xs:sequence>
>                  <xs:element type="xs:string" name="ifaceName" />
>                  <xs:element type="xs:string" name="extsysName" />
>                  <xs:element type="xs:string" name="xmldata" />
>              </xs:sequence>
>            </xs:complexType>
>          </xs:element>
>        and the xml that I tried from client was
><m:processData xmlns:m="http://testws.iface.psdi/xsd";>
>      <ifaceName>anna111</ifaceName>
>      <extsysName>222222</extsysName>
>      <xmldata><MXINVBALInterface>hello</MXINVBALInterface></xmldata>
>but when I printed in the service I got
>But if I try with no xml tags - it works good
><m:processData xmlns:m="http://testws.iface.psdi/xsd";>
>      <ifaceName>anna111</ifaceName>
>      <extsysName>222222</extsysName>
>      <xmldata>hello</xmldata>
>and the o/p is
>Again is this a bug? or my bad?

>             Anamitra.Bhattach

>             [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>                                                                        To

>             06/07/2006 04:39          <axis-user@ws.apache.org>

>             PM                                                         cc


>                                                                   Subject

>             Please respond to         [Axis2]wsdl schema type generation

>             [EMAIL PROTECTED]         bug with byte[]

>                  he.org






>I have a service with an operation whose signature reads like this
>public String processData(String ifaceName, String extsysName, byte[]
>when I deploy this service the wsdl generated will show the schema element
>as below. The byte[] data type has been represented as
>                xs:element minOccurs="0" type="xs:byte" name="xmldata"
>                maxOccurs="unbounded"
>                This is not how its supposed to represent this byte[] data
>                type as per jax rpc its supposed to be xs:base64Binary.
>Is this a bug - or I am missing something.
><xs:element name="processData">
>            - <xs:complexType>
>              - <xs:sequence>name="ifaceName" />name="extsysName"
/>type="xs:byte" name="xmldata"
>                maxOccurs="unbounded" /></xs:sequence>
>        thanks
>        Anamitra
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