Hi to everyone,

suggest the follwing scenario:
- service with one method. 
- I'm NOT using code generated skeletons, but simple Java classes.
- depending on the request parameters, the returned objects are different. All 
returned objects have a superclass in common.
  Someone explained, how to achieve inheritance with axis2 a few days ago; but 
I need some more ;)
- I'm able to fully define the mentioned superclass; I would be able to 
implement all types as beans.
- For the subclasses I would like to hold things sort of configurable "from 
outside" - means without compiling the service again.
- therefore I thought about placing somewhere a XML-Schema Definition

My concern about tis is the following:
- with this I'm to my opinion not able to produce an always valid WSDL, cause 
the interface is not always the same?

My questions:
1) what are your comments on how to solve such a scenario
2) how to return a valid, meaningful WSDL-File to the possible clients 
3) as I'm farely new to axis2 and web services, any hints on examples, or short 
descriptions on how to make the service use beans, would be great.
  AFAIK I probably have to write my own MessageReceiver.
4) currently I'm working with OMElements an the RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver; do 
I have to switch that for using beans.

Hope anybody could shed some light on that

Nice weekend all


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