Darn.  Sorry for formatting.  Let's try again:

 <wsdl:portType name="DOIServicesPortType">
   <wsdl:operation name="SuccessfulRenewalOperation">
        <wsdl:input message="tns:SuccessfulRenewalRequestMessage"/>
        <wsdl:output message="tns:SuccessfulRenewalResponseMessage"/>

 <wsdl:binding name="DOIServicesBinding" type="tns:DOIServicesPortType">
   <soap:binding style="document"
   <wsdl:operation name="SuccessfulRenewalOperation">
                <soap:body use="literal"/>
                <soap:body use="literal"/>


Can you post the portType and binding definitions for this operation? There 
might be something there that's not quite right.


 On 6/27/06,  Doug B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


 Thanks again, Anne.  I had read that first BP section, but not really 
understanding the implications until some of this discussion.  It makes more 
sense now.

I did try with Axis 1.3, and it does the same thing, so it must be something 
I'm just not quite grasping.  But I'm content for now that I understand what 
it's doing and somewhat why, so thanks for your time and effort.  It's been a 
couple years since I spent much time in the Axis newsgroup, but I remember 
noting back then that your answers were thorough and knowledgable (even bought 
a copy of your book), so I appreciate having your input on this.


On 6/27/06, Anne Thomas Manes <  [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Sorry -- there's no reason to run java2wsdl, but it really helps to run wsdl2java. 
I'm not sure why it's producing the erroneous qname attribute in the 
<operation> element. This could be a bug in Axis 1.2 (which had pretty sketchy 
support for document/literal -- Axis  1.3 or 1.4 is much better).

Tell your customer to make the following change to the WSDD:

Change this:

<operation name="successfulRenewalOperation"


to this:

<operation name="successfulRenewalOperation"


In any case, to answer your questions...

The hosting server determines how to dispatch a request by looking at the QName of 
the child element of the <soap:Body>. The configuration must provide the 
hosting service with the necessary information to map the QName to an appropriate 
method in the service agent.

See Section 4.7.6 in the WS-I Basic Profile:

4.7.6 Operation Signatures

Definition: operation signature

The profile defines the "operation signature" to be the fully qualified name of 
the child element of SOAP                                                     body of the 
SOAP input message described by an operation in a WSDL binding.

In the case of rpc-literal binding, the operation name is used as a wrapper for 
the part accessors. In the                                      
document-literal case, since a wrapper with the operation name is not present, 
the message signatures must be                                   correctly 
designed so that they meet this requirement.

An endpoint that supports multiple operations must unambiguously identify the 
operation                                         being invoked based on the 
input message that it receives. This is only possible if all the operations 
specified in the                                         wsdl:binding 
associated with an endpoint have a unique operation signature.                  

  R2710                                         The operations in a 
wsdl:binding in a DESCRIPTION MUST result in operation signatures               
                    that are different from one another.                        
             And section 4.7.25 (second paragraph):

4.7.25 Describing SOAPAction

Interoperability testing has demonstrated that requiring the SOAPAction HTTP 
header                                             field-value to be quoted 
increases interoperability of implementations. Even though HTTP allows for 
header                                              field-values to be 
unquoted, some implementations require that the value be quoted.                

The SOAPAction header is purely a hint to processors. All vital information 
regarding the                                               intent of a message 
is carried in the envelope.                                                  


On 6/27/06, Doug B <   [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


But I'm trying to go the other direction.  I don't want to have to run java2wsdl at all.  
I want to handwrite the WSDL and use that as the contract for both the client and the 
server.  I want the "wsdl2java --server-side" to generate a deployable service 
which matches and honors the original WSDL, including recognizing the specified operation 

I went ahead and generated server-side artifacts myself just to compare what I think my customer might be 
seeing.  It seems interesting to me that, in fact, the deploy.wsdd that is generated from the 
"--server-side" option does contain the <operation> mappings - they're just looking for 
what I'd consider the "wrong" qname:

<operation name="successfulRenewalOperation"
                xmlns:retNS=" http://az.gov/doi";
                xmlns:rtns=" http://az.gov/doi";
                soapAction="http://az.gov/doi-ws/SuccessfulRenewalOperation"; >
    <parameter qname="pns:SuccessfulRenewalRequest"
                      xmlns:tns=" http://az.gov/doi"/>

(This is either with or without the --noWrapped option.)

It gets the correct returnQName from the WSDL-defined response element, 
including for another operation where that response name is not at all related 
to the operation or request names, so why wouldn't it use the WSDL-defined 
request element for the qname by default?

Regarding SOAPAction, so what is supposed to be *the standard* way the service endpoint knows what operation 
is being requested?  Is the "engine" supposed to have to make a best guess at mapping operation 
"signatures" based on "parameters" (with manual override mapping allowed)?  I guess I was 
expecting something less ambiguous to be part of the specs or at least ws-i.


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