The empty string is not a valid xsd:dateTime. To make this a valid response from your service, you would have to specify in the schema that assignedDate was nillable and in the respponse, <assignedDate xsi:nil="true" ...> . I don't know whether the Calendar serializer would have to be able to handle it then -- probably not.

Another possibility is to make the assignedDate element optional in the schema (minOccurs="0") and omit in the response when it has no value.


Mike Wallace wrote:
The XML message we're attempting to deserialize has
the following elements in it:
<assignedDate xsi:type="xsd:dateTime" />

The createDate element has no problems, but
assignedDate, which has no data, fails with the

java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid date/time

Is this a known limitation of the Calendar deserializer?

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