Hi all,

I am trying to set a parameter in my services.xml file and get it in my
service like this (all document/literal with ADB):

<parameter name="memberName" locked="false">SampleMember</parameter>

And in my service implementation class:

private MessageContext msgCtx=null;

public void init(MessageContext ctx)
      System.out.println("init called..context:"+ctx);

public  com.ibm.sobe.xsd.PingReturn ping(com.ibm.sobe.xsd.PingParam param0)
      PingReturn pr=new PingReturn();

It throws a NullPointerException when any operation on msgCtx is attempted,
implying that msgCtx is null. I followed the advice give in this article:

Is this the best way to do this? If so, what am I doing wrong? I really
need a way to access statically set parameters in services.xml.



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