this is painful! I found this site which explains it more:

and now I have the <types> element appearing in something that resembles
the original wsdl. However, it's a real mess. The <types> has one child:

<xs:schema targetNamespace="urn:minerva" elementFormDefault="unqualified"

so the full xsd:schema definitions of the types are missing and no data
binding for clients can be done.

Axis2 has also added an HTTP POST binding which should not be there. It's
also added a load of soap12 namespaces which aren't in the original wsdl.

I just can't get axis2 to reproduce the original wsdl. Is Axis2 sensitive
to namespace declarations?

Alistair Young
Senior Software Engineer
Isle of Skye

> apparently this in services.xml is meant to work but it doesn't:
> <parameter name="useOriginalwsdl">true</parameter>
> the generated wsdl is lacking all original <types>
> Could someone guide me to a solution please?
> <service>
>   <description>Test service</description>
>   <parameter name="ServiceClass" locked="false">org.test.Test</parameter>
>   <parameter name="useOriginalwsdl">true</parameter>
>   <operation name="combineMinervaObjects">
>     <messageReceiver
> class="org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCInOutAsyncMessageReceiver"/>
>   </operation>
> </service>
> thanks,
> Alistair
> --
> Alistair Young
> Senior Software Engineer
> Isle of Skye
> Scotland
>> Hi there, me again! Is there any way to preserve the original WSDL when
>> deploying a service? The generated WSDL is not much use as it has
>> removed
>> all the <types> elements so no data binding can occur.
>> I read somewhere that you can put the WSDL in META-INF but that didn't
>> do
>> anything.
>> --
>> Alistair Young
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> Isle of Skye
>> Scotland
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