Hi all,

Here are my requirements:
- SOAP comes over JMS 
- I use message-driven-bean(MDB) as delegator
- I need the MDB to invoke Axis2 service directly (not by making call
to a HTTP URL)

You may think it as AxisServlet or JMSListener. Therefore, MDB requires
Axis2's jars. 

To achive this, I tried followings:
- Added all the jars comes with Axis2 to CLASSPATH before starting the
application server(WL81). But, I got "The input line is too long.".
(I'm using Win2K.)
- Just to make sure, I put all the jars under jre\lib\ext\. Application
server(WebLogic 8.1) started with strange errors.
- Unpacked all the jars and repackaged them into a single jar. (I know,
I overrided META-INF, log4j.properties, etc. :)). I added this jar to
the CLASSPATH and successfully started the application server. But when
the first call to the skeleton happened, I got JVM heap error and the
application server crashed. Since unpacking & repacking was very odd
thing, I even didn't try to find what was going on :)
- Added the path and the name of the jars to the Class-Path entry of
MANIFEST.MF in the ear file. When I deploy the ear, I got

Please let me know your valuable thougths.


Ali Sadik Kumlali

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