Hi everyone,

I'd appreciate any insight on an issue I've encountered.  A String[] is being translated into a non-array String in the WSDL.  The result is an "argument type mismatch" error.

More specifically, I have a bean object that contains a String[] property.  During Ant build, Java2WSDL correctly produces a WSDL where the schema defines this property as...

  <element name="items"

And WSDL2Java correctly produces the .java w/ the String[] property.

But when I deploy the project, the Axis translates the property to a non-array String property so that the WSDL defines the property as...

  <element name="items"

As a result, the client encounters the "argument type mismatch" error when the server replies w/ a String[] but the client expects a non-array String.  I would appreciate any insight.


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