When I use the nightly build I get the binary distro and unpack to
/usr/local/axis2 - everything you need is there.

For the webapp, I use the nightly axis2.war and unpack into
tomcat_home/webapps. I have to unpack as tomcat won't expand wars outside
/webapps (my web tree is on a separate volume from tomcat).

The jars in the binary distro are differently named from the normal ones
(*-NIGHTLY*.jar) so move your 1.0 /usr/local/axis2 out of the way before
unpacking the nightly binary distro.

One thing I've found is you have to run WSDL2Java.sh from AXIS2_HOME/bin
or it won't work. It computes it's lib dir from:
export AXIS2_HOME=..
which is the current working directory, which isn't AXIS2_HOME so it
doesn't find it's jars and crashes.

Or do what I do in WSDL2Java.sh:
export AXIS2_HOME=/usr/local/axis2

Alistair Young
Senior Software Engineer
Isle of Skye

> Read the installation guide please.
> Ignazio Anastasi wrote:
>> How can i install a Nightly Build? just execute the jar file everywhere?
>> this make me the error
>>  "Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from axis2-1.0.jar"
>> how can i do?
>> tnx all

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