I am trying to port my existing Axis1 application to Axis2.

1. I have a few java beans on which I run the axis1 java2wsdl to create a reference wsdl file.

2. extract the schema part of the generated WSDL and adjust the namespaces a bit to use jibx xsd2jibx tool which generates the java classes and services.xml

3. the axis2 wsdl2java is used to generate the ServiceSkeletonInterface.java, ServiceSkeleton.java and ErgoServiceMessageReceiverInOut.java. Input is the reference wsdl and the jibx services.xml.

4. the ServiceSkeleton is edited and an empty reponse type object is returned

5. then the ergo.aar is assembled and this file also contains META-INF/services.xml along with my reference WSDL file.

6. this is deployed in axis2. I tested both release 1.0 and a build from maven.

7. MS office 2003 Web Tools is used to get the axis2 server generated WSDL but no object are constructed.

The reference wsdl generated by axis1 java2wsdl works fine and MS office 2003 Web Tools creates the VB necessary to use my axis1 web service.

It took me a while to find an example of the major differences in the two WSDL-files. I am not a WSDL guru (yet) but here is an extract of a difference between the reference wsdl and the axis2 generated:

reference wsdl extract:
       <wsdl:operation name="ergoSave">

           <wsdl:input message="impl:ergoSaveRequest"
               name="ergoSaveRequest" />

           <wsdl:output message="impl:ergoSaveResponse"
               name="ergoSaveResponse" />


axis2 deployed service generated wsdl:
       <wsdl:operation xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/";
           <wsdl:input xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/";
               message="impl:ergoSaveRequest" />
               wsaw:Action="transport.ergo.com/Ergo/ergoSaveResponse" />

also see the two attached images from the eclipse wsdl editor

my goal is to generate doc/lit wrapped wsdl which apparently is preferred by MS software.

please advice.

PNG image

PNG image

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