I can't find any documentation describing the beanMapping process so I
am unsure if this is a bug or a feature...

I have the following beanMapping within my wsdd:

<beanMapping qname="myNS:TestObject" xmlns:myNS="http://test.boingo.com";

The Object being mapped is as follows (notice there is no setIntgr()
defined, I do not want to expose this to the client):

public class TestObjectDTO
implements Serializable
    /** serialVersionUID */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -8521313678848845583L;

    /** */
    protected String str;
    /** */
    protected Integer intgr;
     * Default Constructor
    public TestObjectDTO() {
     * Returns the intgr
     * @return Integer Returns the intgr.
    public Integer getIntgr() {
        return intgr;
     * Returns the str
     * @return String Returns the str.
    public String getStr() {
        return str;
     * Sets the str
     * @param str The str to set.
    public void setStr(String str) {
        this.str = str;

When I generate the client stubs it creates a setIntgr(Integer intgr)
method for me. It appears it is ignoring the beans methods and only
looking at the fields. This is unwanted behavior in my eyes. If I have a
accountBalance field on a bean, I would probably want a
getAccountBalance() method, but not a setAccountBalance(). 

Any way around this?

- Doug

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