Thanks Deepal. So the J2EE packaging style is not required if no servlet
are used, is it?
The link you provided me does not explain where to put the property
files: is it correct to store them to /? And then, how should I load
them, via the service class loader (if I'm right every service has its
own class loader)?


Deepal Jayasinghe wrote:
> Hi Michele ;
> pls have a look at following reference , it will show how to put lib and
> properties into service archive file.
>> Hi all,
>> I've got a simple question: which structure should the aar file have if
>> libraries and property files are included?
>> Is the default (i.e. classes in / and libraries in /lib) ok? And what
>> about the property files?
>> I've tried also to store classes as well as property files (i.e. log4j
>> configuration )in /WEB-INF/classes, libraries in /WEB-INF/lib, but it
>> does not work properly.
>> Any idea?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Michele
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