Use this ant target and replace "Red" comments as per your local machine setting. It will generate client jar foe you. Put this jar in your classpath to run your test client.
<target name="WebServiceStub" >
 <echo message="generating client src..."/>
 <java classname="org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2Java" fork="true">
      <fileset dir=" path to axis2 lib ">
   <include name="**/*.jar"/>
  <arg value="-uri"/>
  <arg line=" url for wsdl "/>
  <arg value="-s"/>
  <arg value="-d"/>
  <arg value="xmlbeans"/>
  <arg value="-o"/>
  <arg file=" src directory "/>
  <arg value="-p"/>
  <arg value=" any package name "/>
 <echo message="compiling client src..."/>     
 <javac srcdir=" src directory /src" destdir=" build directory ">
      <fileset dir=" path to axis2 lib ">
   <include name="**/*.jar"/>
 <copy todir="build directory">
  <fileset dir=" src directory /resources/"/>
 <jar jarfile="YourWebService_stub.jar" basedir=" build directory "/>
 <delete dir=" build directory "/>
I hope, it will help.

30, Hudson St.
Goldman Sachs
PH: 212 902 0395

"Willing to learn what you are willing to share."


From: Ignazio Anastasi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 4:25 PM
To: axis-user
Subject: [Axis2] Develop Client

Hi all

i'm a newbie :-)

i need help to develop the client of the example in this site

however.. how can i run a client? it should be runned from an axis2 directory? how can i build a run.bat file correctly'


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